Wednesday, 8 August 2012

the fourth logos album

regular blog readers will be aware that we've been busy creating new music for our fourth album. the construction process for this one is slightly different to our previous three albums, in that we're working on multiple tracks simultaneously, shaping each against and in context with the others rather than singling them out and working on them track by track. that said, there are some which we would consider finished.

yes, we know we said that after shamania we'd be taking a break before working on another logos album, in order to focus on other projects, but these new sounds came in unbidden and the best thing to do is to follow them and see where they take us.

tracks in progress or complete include: something witchy, come to now, santa susana blues, the last door, hungry knife, coyotenoia, 23 years in the tombs you made, where rivers ran upside down, infinite soul, the devil's business, hallways of always. there is a clear theme to this album which we'll leave it up to you to guess.

the album doesn't yet have a title.

you can hear a sneak-peak of one of these tracks at our soundcloud page.

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